Slowly, It Grows
We’re now coming up on a year since we made our move out to the country. I realized this last night and started to try and made a mental list of the things we have done to the property since moving in. I think was an attempt to convince myself that I had been adequately productive. But honestly, I believe big projects should wait at least a year. That way you get to experience your property through all four seasons once. I think it allows you to be better prepared to take into account rain, sun, wind, drainage, soil, and routines that you naturally develop. I can you that I already want to add more gates to our fencing to make navigating the pastures easier. I think I know where I want to put more fruit trees. I think we know where we want to cross-fence when we prepare to have livestock on the property again.
These things take time. But here’s a (not exhaustive) list of what we have achieved over the last year:
Learned about cows and sheep as we had them on the land through the spring, summer, and into the winter
Repaired some of the leaks on the shop roof…before finding more during a really heavy rain
Had two Generlinks installed and purchased generators. This was a major step for us and allows us to keep both the house and shop running during a power outage
Raised chickens from baby chicks into the flock of excellent, egg-laying ladies. Dealt with the occasional loss of a hen due to predators
Planted fruit trees to start our orchard
Began working the soil into rows for what will (hopefully) be a large, large garden!
Invested in infrastructure for the property in the form of gravel for our driveway, logs for future firewood fuel, appliances for the house
Started the business part of homesteading in making our own bath and body products using good ingredients.
Most importantly, ENJOYED OUR NEW PROPERTY. Having dinners outside, sitting in a hammock under our mighty oak that shades our house, and listening to the quiet breeze cut through the trees around us. It’s been wonderful.
And so, we just keep going! Coming up is my favorite part of the year when all the dormant plants start waking up. It means it’s growing time. And we’ve already started.
See you again soon!
P.S. don’t forget we are on Instagram and YouTube as well! In between blog posts, you can find us there.