
It is with excitement and nerves in equal measure that we begin our new lifestyle out in the country of the southern Willamette Valley. If you found your way here before seeing that we are (at the time of writing this) also on two other platforms, feel free to check out our YouTube videos as well as photos on Instagram.

Our plan is for this blog to serve as a compendium of sorts – a place where we can document and list resources. For example, if I make a short video summarizing how I made a chicken coop with cattle panels, I’d use a blog post to mention how I managed to (literally) squeeze three of them in the bed of my pickup and list the various tools and materials needed to do the project. Blog posts will serve to fill in the gaps left by videos and social media.

I’ll say it right out of the gate – I’m not really an expert in anything. But I am okay at some things, and I’m always happy to share the tutorials, tips, and tricks I find when researching projects with you here as I come across them. The internet is the reason I can install a toilet, grow a garden, paint a house, make a sourdough starter, and build the chicken coop I just mentioned. I’ll cite sources and links to things I think may be worth your time.

You can expect resources, reviews, recipes, and the occasional story here. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoy writing them.

Until next time,

Danny DeLeon


Ready, Set…Wait?